
Tangurka: Cunita & cruce

16 Apr 2017 – 14:00-19:00

Casa de Carmen
Zendelingenstraat 32
2140 Borgerhout
Teacher : Koen Dhondt
Target audience : Advanced, Intermediate
Workshop organised by Frisse Folk
Registrations are over, pleasecontact us if you wish to attend this course.
Registration is closed for this event

Please find full information on the French or Dutch pages of our website


Please refer to the menu to find all information on general organisation of our workshops, prices and discounts etc.

Scroll down to get to the info about this particular workshop: required dance level, shared meal etc.


If you need any help to make a reservation, do not hesitate to contact us (also in English, Spanish, Portuguese or German).

Practical Info


We suggest all participants bring something to share with each other for tea time.

The bar (coffee, tea, soft drinks, beer, wine) will be open throughout the day.


Our workshops in Flanders are usually given in Dutch, with translations into French or English if necessary. Koen is fluent in 5 languages, so you will get individual feedback in the language of your choice.


(FR) Il faut bien maîtriser le pas de base de la mazurka (ou la base du tango), être à l'aise avec le concept de guider ou suivre, avoir minimum un an de pratique régulière de danses de couple (pas nécessairement folk). Absolument aucune expérience en tango n’est requise. Nous commençons par des mouvements simples et avançons ensuite vers des variations de plus en plus compliquées.

(NL) De basispas van de mazurka (of een basis tango) goed beheersen, goed vertrouwd zijn met leiden en volgen en minimum een jaar ervaring hebben met koppeldansen (niet noodzakelijk folkdans). Er is geen enkele voorkennis van tango vereist. We beginnen met eenvoudige bewegingen en bouwen op tot echt moeilijke variaties.

Dance Partner

It is never necessary to register as a couple for our dance workshops. We will often change partners.

Therefore, you can register alone, as a couple, with friends …